Forget your clubcard, just visiting or don't want to register?

Tesco | Dunnes Stores | SuperValue | Lidl | Boots | Subway

Tesco Clubcard

Unlock savings and special offers by scanning the below Tesco Clubcard at the checkout. All you need is to scan the image of the barcode below. Look for the yellow labels in Tesco to see member discounts.

Virtual Tesco clubcard scan
Virtual Tesco clubcard scan

Dunnes Stores Valueclub Card

Ensure you get your Dunnes Stores special offers by using the virtual Valueclub card at checkout. Simply scan the barcode image below. Look for the special labels in Dunnes Stores to see what discounts are available with your virtual Valueclub card.

Virtual Dunnes Stores ValueClub card to scan
Virtual Dunnes Stores ValueClub card to scan

SuperValue Real Rewards Card

Unlock savings and special offers with your SuperValu Real Rewards card. Simply present your card at checkout for exclusive Real Rewards member discounts.

SuperValue Real Rewards Digital Virtual card to scan
SuperValue Real Rewards Digital Virtual card to scan

Lidl Plus card

Collect great savings and special offers by scanning your Lidl Plus card at checkout. Simply scan the barcode image below, a barcode of a virtual Lidl Plus card. Look for the blue labels in Lidl to find member discounts.

Virtual Lidl Plus card to scan
Virtual Lidl Plus card to scan

Boots Advantage Card

Make sure you grab some exclusive offers with your virtual Boots Advantage Card, whch you can scan at checkout. Simply present your card when purchasing your items to ensure you get the Advantage Card special offers without your own Advantage card.

Virtual Boots Ireland Advantage card to scan
Virtual Boots Ireland Advantage card to scan

Subway Clubcard

Enjoy savings and exclusive deals with your Subway Rewards Card. Just present your card at checkout to find out what special offers are available to you with this clubcard.

Subway clubcard scan
Virtual Subway member card to scan

Forgotten Your Clubcard?

If you forget your clubcard, scan any of the above when paying for your items. You can then use the members only special offers without any members card and without signing up.

You can use the above as often as you like, scanning for members only discounts without having your own members card for Tesco, SuperValue, Dunnes Stores, Lidl, Boots and Subway.